Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 3 November 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 23.


(1)[Heroin] (1A)[Heroin] 8 & 8 1/2


(2)[Heroin] 11 3/4


(3)[Heroin] 2 3/4


4)[Heroin] 7. First two only were at all urgent.


11 o’c. From 10 o’c. tried by keeping v.[ery] still to avoid M[orphine] & A[tropine]. n.[o] g.[ood].


Letter from Petty Bartlett. Answered, asking for cheque in advance.


Leg worse, I think. Bandage slipped down, much bloody serum. Renewed dressing.


2 o’c. Frieda [Frieda Harris] here: plans all upset. She was fed up with stagnation, white-hot to get Taro out.


3 1/2 Everett here. She cleverly got out of our deal with him & fixed up with Eng. Tem 8251. She left two pictures that should have gone to Richmond, taking away what she brought for me.


Woman in flat above mine set fire to it!


Evening leg dressing. There has been a lot of effusion: me no likee.


Finished reading Adrienne Mesurat (Julien Green). Very first class: Dostoievsky plus.


