Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 4 November 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 51.
Frieda [Frieda Harris] to Beach Hotel Minehead.
(1)[Heroin] 8 o’c.
(2)[Heroin] 10 1/4 not very urgent.
(3)[Heroin] 1 o’c. Not urgent.
(4)[Heroin] 5 o’c.: not urgent.
(5)[Heroin] 11 3/4 breathing not clear: but the main reason is the vague exasperation that frequently possess me. Result of this dose: mild insomnia.
So Pam looked in for an hour delightfully amusing.
£49.7.6 from Saturnus [Karl Germer].
Alice [Alice Florey] here 1.