Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 5 November 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 46.
7-7 1/4 (1)[Heroin] (1A)[Heroin] Woke confused and uneasy.
9 1/2-11 1/4. Slept: woke feeling putrid. (2)[Heroin].
Leg healing nicely: changed the Boracic.
2 1/2-3 1/2. Slept: woke slightly less prone to acute delirious melancholia with hallucinations. (3)[Heroin]
Everett called with Atus. Tackled him on N.Y. card. Copies same fair. This did me good.
7 o’c. (4)[Heroin] was routine—hope well-timed for good night’s rest.
Oh for a title for my War Aims! Can’t use “Rights of Man.” I want to keep monosyllabic.
Chart is n.[o] g.[ood]. “Words of the Way of the Will”? “Watch-Words Law Plan Sketch Step Strict Path Clue Key Rule Guard Base Curve Straight Line Snake.
10 1/2-11 1/4. Tried to sleep.
Wheezier as time went on. M[orphine] & A[tropine]. Damn!