Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 6 November 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 49.
Woke: some distress (1)[Heroin].
8 3/4 Distress completely gone, but some dyspn[oea]. (2)[Heroin]
11 Feeling wretched (3)[Heroin]
3 Coughing spell—bad (4)[Heroin]
6 3/4 (5)[Heroin] routine—hoping early sleep.
11 1/2 Tired: heaving breathing. M[orphine] & A[tropine].
Caught by P.T.T. Pd. 13/10.
Concentrating on title for “War Aims” card. ?Goat’s Milk (suckled Jupiter)? [OZ [Liber OZ]: heb] oz=77=Strength=The devil & The Lovers=Goat.
P.M. Peacock—full(?) as usual.
Decided on OZ; recopied the whole beastly thing, & made a dummy with a proof of XV.
Alice [Alice Florey] here—helpful shopping etc.
8 o’c. M.A.S. [Maurice A. Sutherland]. Played [chess] well: then skittles.
Symbol for OZ: [I Ching hexagram] 49 Ko!!! Same as to-day. The very consummation of rightness! 220 words in actual text, excluding title.