Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 15 November 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 47.
12 3/4 Woke from pleasant dreams.
2 1/2 ditto but 241 [asthma symptoms] (1)[Heroin].
4 1/2 Couldn’t sleep, work, or read. Lay awake trying to frighten myself! Can’t see my way out of this stagnation: seem to be tied hand and foot.
Some 241 (2.2A)[Heroin] in exasperation.
Claustrophobia rampant: and “nowhere to go but out”! This pulled me together: cleaned up and pottered happily.
After breakfast sleep 9-12 (3)[Heroin]
Lunch—sleep 2-4-5. Little 241 (4)[Heroin].
Half dozing-—dreams from 8 1/2-10 woke 241 M[orphine] & A[tropine].
Started poem “John Hampden” & finished it. Oh, I thank all the gods: I am alive!