Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 17 November 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 59.
Policy re. Liber LXXVII [Liber OZ] see Memoranda p. 8*.
Woke several times, at 4 o’c (1)[Heroin] Inadequate.
5 o’c (1A)[Heroin].
8 o’c. Collapsed suddenly. Coramine[1] Brandy (2)[Heroin].
This, with appalling lethargy of last 3 days was CONSTIPATION. 1 /2 hour agony, & still n.[o] g.[ood].
11 o’c. still bunged up & heart missing(?) on 3 cylinders! Coramine and (3)[Heroin].
Still, I bathed and am dressed.
Out shopping—oysters Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley] brought book he is a good man to have around one when in trouble—
Everett called to pick up The Aeon, sent by Frieda [Frieda Harris] express—
Tried to read & rest—was most painfully sick!
2 1/4 (4)[Heroin] 4 1/4 Large lump of shit moved at last—dreadfully painful. Great relief.
5 1/2 (5)[Heroin].
This won’t do. Begin H92Cl2.
6 o’c. 1/2 gr.
7.30 after coffee 1/2 gr.
They messed up my supper: so much for the advantage of tipping! The night-Porter feels as I do: he can’t stand the Irish. They cherish ill-will for its own sake.
* [Follows: OZ LXXVII Policy decided: [I Ching hexagram] Hwan 59. Thwan: carry it through solemnly & vigorously. [I ching hexagram] Line 1: asked B.B. to help with cost etc. [Line] 2 make all but 50 [capricorn] strictly private and/or delayed. [Line] 3 ignore personal risk. [Line] 4 start a party in the state. [Line] 5 proclaim loudly with great energy and distribute regardless of expense. [Line] 6 Use this to ‘hele’ past trouble, and to gain confidence for future activity.]
Nov. 17. Monday special. PRI:1677.
C.R.W. Nevinson wrote in answer to the “superb letter” that I wrote him on his father’s death. Such encouragements not only rejoice me on my pilgrimage, but restore my faith and fortify my will.
1—Coramine is a circulatory stimulant and was used in the mid-twentieth century as a medical countermeasure against tranquilizer overdoses.