Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 18 November 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 15.
Start of Libyan attack.
The 43rd Anniversary of my Birthday[1] 0=0.
Woke from pleasant & amusing sex-dreams.
12 1/2. Some 241 [asthma symptoms] M[orphine] & A[tropine].
Slept right through to 6 3/4.
Woke little 241 but much shakiness.
Lost 2 whole tablets [Heroin] outright (1A)[Heroin].
Greetings wire from F.H. [Frieda Harris].
Note from H.E. Wortham (Peterborough) answering mine about Sir E. Evan who “toasted Lady Willingdon in ber.” I asked “Did he mistake her for a piece of cheese?”
Press proof of 77. Edition 50 [Capricornus] 250 [shin]
Bath, work etc., exhausted me.
11 o’c (2)[Heroin].
Hot milk etc. made H92Cl2 work: but I feel very ill.
2 o’c. 2 1/4 (3)[Heroin] no sleep.
6 o’c (4)[Heroin] not really urgent; but hoping to avoid M & A later.
New formula, on my suggestion M 1/4 gr A 1/150 gr.
Dream “He would give an equal chance to a stranger & his dearest friend, to walk home together.” (Aptly the journey is dangerous: aid, said or what not?) Example of impartial justice.
1—Today is Crowley's 43rd "magical" birthday—The anniversary of his initiation into the Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898.