Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 24 November 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 25.
Woke 1 1/2 M[orphine] & A[tropine]].
Woke 4 3/4 not ill, reciting “Before the beginning of years” throughout correctly from a dream!
241 [asthma symptoms] soon began 5 1/4 (1)[Heroin]. Inadequate.
6 1/2(2) [Heroin].
Out to P.[ost] O.[ffice] started 241
10 3/4 (3)[Heroin]
[Henry] Swansy (See Nov. 11) on my mind. Message: [I Ching hexagram] 17 Sui = “follow him up.”
Wrote a cryptic P.C. [Post Card].
Writing Saturnus [Karl Germer] re. O.T.O. mailed letter.
Lunch out: more 241
2 o’c. (4)[Heroin].
Antichristmas cards came at 2 1/2.
5 o’c. X.O.P. 292 H92Cl2 241 baddish.
5 1/4 M & A.
Slept invincibly.
Sent cards to F.H. [Frieda Harris].