Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 27 November 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 35.
2 3/4 woke.
4 d[itt]o.
6 d[itt]o.
Sleep over; so (1 1A)[Heroin] to start the day.
Well: worked: dressed: shaved: yet 241 [asthma symptoms] came on rather badly at 7 3/4 (2)[Heroin].
Sweating: general X.O.P. threatened collapse. Coramine.[1] Vomited much clear mucus.
O.K. till 11 then x.o.p. (3)[Heroin].
11 1/2 Long talk with [Henry] Swanzy at Sheriff’s re. Spelling Bee & “doping Hun soldiers.”
Frieda [Frieda Harris] here with The Juggler [artwork for Tarot card]! Huzza! Talked really hard 3-7.
Cecil [Robert Cecil] here 6-8: more talk!
(4)[Heroin] at 3.
(5)[Heroin] at 5. 9 o’c. utterly fagged M[orphine] & A[tropine] & lights out soon.
1—Coramine is a circulatory stimulant and was used in the mid-twentieth century as a medical countermeasure against tranquilizer overdoses.