Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 29 November 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 60.


Woke 12 1/2 241 [asthma symptoms] M[orphine] & A[tropine].


Woke after (?often).


At 5 1/2 some 241 so gave up (1)[Heroin].


Wrote to Peggy B[artlett].


Slept 8.45 woke some 241 (1A2)[Heroin].


Out to Ban, Chemist, Book Club etc. v.[ery] cheerful: so at 1 o’c (3)[Heroin] no 241 no urgency.


Woke 4 o’c. (4)[Heroin].


Alice [Alice Florey] & Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley] here 6 o’c.


Too much talk 241. M & A.


5/- from FitzG. [Edward Noel Fitzgerald].


10/8 from Cecil [Robert Cecil]—for cards.


Advice from Natl. City Bank of N.Y. cash from Saturnus [Karl Germer]. Letter heavily loaded with Kieh! But they made no trouble in practice £48.15.4.


