Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 2 December 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 64.
2 3/4 241 [asthma symptoms] (1)[Heroin].
Woke 6.
241 came on 6.15 (1A2)[Heroin].
Worked on Cecil's [Robert Cecil] horror [horoscope].
8 o’c 241 bad (3)[Heroin] foul raw day:
Felt disinclined to go shopping.
11 1/2 (4) sleep after lunch:
Fog 4 o’c (5)[Heroin].
Alice [Alice Florey] generously offered a banquet on her birthday. She didn’t care what it cost her- the world well lost for love. Cost: sherry 8.4, lunch £1.3.0, Smokes 9.9., Taxi, 1.0. Total: 2.2.1. Her contribution 12.6. Lady Bountiful! Cunnilingus: damned decent of me!
6 o’c here: out to Mason’s Arms. (Henry Swansy & Dutch girl) in raw cold fog. 241 came on heavy:
Home 7 1/2 M&A[tropine].