Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 3 December 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 4.


Woke 4 1/2 some 241 [asthma symptoms]. (1)[Heroin] Uneasy: apprehensive.


6 o’c (1A2)[Heroin] much work.


9 1/2 (3)[Heroin] 241 having come.




NLT [night letter] to Saturnus [Karl Germer] Recd |stop| Confirm you furnished State Department Forms BCD |stop| Desire assurance no further steps necessary this end Crowley.


Letter Nov 6 from Saturnus Added to NLT “Anslander Librarian Congress wrote most appreciatively Thumbs [Thumbs Up!] |stop| Entrust Max [Max Schneider] 9th Love Crowley”.


Wrote at length to Joseph Anslander.


1 1/2 rather faint (4)[Heroin] Not to have to take m&A[tropine] too early


4 PM (5)[Heroin].


Another from Saturnus Nov 23 Has he done anything at all about visa?


6 o’c M&A.


Reading Fuller [J.F.C. Fuller] “Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah”.


Dec 3 query: . . . . left forearm caught out?


