Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 15 December 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 32.


Woke 1 1/4.


4 1/2 (1)[Heroin].


Climbing and homosexual dreams 7 (2)[Heroin].


Uncomfortable after brekker [breakfast] (3)[Heroin].


Wrote Pickford’s with £5.


Glasses from Cl Clarke.


Pam called off lunch: decided to eat for her.


12 1/4 (4)[Heroin].


No sleep after big lunch at Bentley’s:


So (5)[Heroin] at 4 PM.


Everett 4 1/2: long talk: doubtful about material and labour for blocks will give F.H. [Frieda Harris] credit.


