Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 25 December 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 31.
2 o’c Woke from heavy dreams 241 [asthma symptoms] (1)[Heroin].
Bad diarrheas (2)[Heroin].
Slept heavily till 9 (3)[Heroin].
Got up—not with any pleasure!
10 1/2 24. (4)[Heroin].
Very pleasant and (I hope) initiatory lunch. Robert Cecil brought a really perfect Pommard ‘34 [wine]—I have rarely drunk a better wine. And I was damned ill, too: doubtful if I could sit up straight!! His arrival picked me up instantly!
NOTE THIS. He wants initiation IF and WHEN etc (air comm): BUT. So I have written about the Oath of the Beginning.
Slept soundly3 - 4 1/2 (5)[Heroin] last without thinking.
Slept (almost stupor) till 9 1/2; then (6)[Heroin], as I have already had over 6 hours’ sleep, & may as well work as not. But it’s all very wrong: damn Christmas!
Really good XIX from Frieda [Frieda Harris], and very lovely metal-gilt snake box.