Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 26 December 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 3.
Woke 12 1/4 2 241 [asthma symptoms] coming (1)[Heroin].
6 & 8 1/2 (2)[Heroin] feeling aghast. Diarrhoea bad. All n.[o] g.[ood].
9 1/2 (3)[Heroin] slowly coming to the surface.
12 1/2 (4)[Heroin] wrote Frieda [Frieda Harris].
Good lunch & brandy: worked on Tarot (13th hex) but couldn’t sleep. 241 threatened.
4 o’c (5) [Heroin] I am being converted to the ‘ration’ theory: yet it would certainly not do to start the day with 192!
7 1/4 Kun or no Kun, I've got to get Thunk Xan done: so (6)[Heroin]. This makes 1 1/12 gr: but 1/6 was 2 AM which is—or seems—somehow different. But it was really the pulling-up from yesterday, and the sudden cold that I shall pretend to blame!
Talks with Miss Hubbard & Burke (Alice [Alice Florey] present) about the way this house is limped.
8 1/4 Finished Tarot proposal—after a fashion!
11 3/4 Woke from uneasy sleep, unpleasant dreams. (Bed badly made explains this) Much 241 (7)[Heroin]. Total 1 1/4 gr.
Room feels beastly cold: think weather XOP.