Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 29 December 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 13.


5 3/4 Woke 241 [asthma symptoms] bad (1)[Heroin] severe mental unrest.


7 1/4 241 again—no bath—worried (2)[Heroin].


A really bad frame of mind all the time: “homesick” is the word! This is of course identical with the will-to-die, and comes out in that form every time one makes a plan.


9 o’c Picking up, but I miss my bath, & the weather is black, black! (3)[Heroin].


12 still not bursting with energy! (4)[Heroin].


3 1/4 anticipating trouble (5)[Heroin].


7 1/2 241 Diarrhoea & the rest M&A[tropine] rather in despair!


Talk with Mike and Michaud [Jean Michaud].


Settled with Pickford’s—as easy as fire(?).


Christ-Child [Vyvyan Deacon] called unexpectedly.


Frieda [Frieda Harris] and the unfinished(?) Nick ditto ditto: stayed to tea. She flats at Kensington Close. She brought new Juggler [artwork for the Tarot card].


Bruce Blunt wrote tome.


Letter from Estai [Jane Wolfe].


Robert Cecil wrote tome.


Wrote practical letter to Saturnus [Karl Germer].


Did nick’s horror [horoscope].


F’s infallible instinct did not desert her at his birth! She told them to throw it back.


8 people for this Thung Zan.


