Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 3 January 1942



[I Ching hexagram] 38.


12 /14 woke


6 1/4 woke (1)[Heroin] inadq.


7 1/2 (2, 3)[Heroin].


Bath 10 1/2 (4)[Heroin] to go out:


Shopped: saw “Unholy Partners” Edward G Robinson. A1 but should have preferred happy ending.


1 3/4 Tired and ill: (5)[Heroin] not wanting to risk M&A[tropine] (call it 41) when out.


Slept 3 1/2-5 slight 241 [asthma symptoms] so (41)[M&A].


The man next door to me, long ill, has died.


9 3/4 Have taken life quietly.


To bed. 241 at once—badly. Queer!


Hate taking a 2nd 41[M&A]: so (6)[Heroin] damn the whole show!


11 1/4 It hasn’t worked too well, either! hell.


11 1/2 Curse it (7)[Heroin].


Great row in house, too: sobbing and screaming? See Limerick at end.*


Even all this [Heroin] n.[o] g.[ood]. Lungs not properly clear: much internal gurgling: costine(?) diarrhoea:


1 1/2 AM and no sleep.




A party called Malachi Frank

Was respected in ev-er-y Bank

Why must we assume

That they put on his tomb:

“He lived—and he died—and he stank”


