Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 9 January 1942
[I Ching hexagram] 61.
Woke 3 1/2 (41)M&A[tropine] . . . bad (1)[Heroin] quite useless! (2, 3)[Heroin]
12 1/4 (4)[Heroin].
3 o’c (5)[Heroin].
7 o’c Cecil [Robert Cecil] phoned: asked me to lunch.
12 1/2 [Dr.] Crawshaw. Says heart much better: lungs clear, but of course they are (XOP) with emphysema. Thorax is fixed.
2 3/4 Tried simultaneously to: (1) Suck Voice tabloid (2) smoke a cigar (3) drink old Liquor Brandy. Cannot recommend this on strictly hedonistic lines.
Frieda [Frieda Harris] again pigs and fish about sending MSS to USA “I can’t abuse my friendship with Briggs”_ JM Watkins’ shopman. So she suggested that I should get Briggs to do this behind Watkins’ back!! Women are always outrageous about “honour”: they just don’t have the idea. Wrote her fiercely.
F.H. [Frieda Harris], Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley], Ham [Gerald Hamilton]—all rang together.
F.H. fixed 2 big film men to call on me Tues 13th.
F.H. here 6-7: so
maddening—exhausting, I took an extra 1/4