Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 14 January 1942



[I Ching hexagram] 32.


8 3/4 (1, 2)[Heroin].


10 (3)[Heroin].


11 1/4 (4)[Heroin].


1 (41)[M&A(tropine)].


5 1/2 needless (5)[Heroin].


7 3/4 still no urgency: so nightcap (41)[M&A].


11 3/4 (6)[Heroin].


At 10 PM dropping with sleep: lights out, resolute effort to sleep. In vain: nervousness, stiffness of neck, finally dyspnoea, came inexorably on. Hence 6th.


Letters from Noel [Edward Noel Fitzgerald], Estai [Jane Wolfe], Saturnus [Karl Germer].


See memo* end for reply re LXXVII [Liber OZ] & Smith's [Wilfred Talbot Smith] pronounciamento Message re this [I Ching hexagram] L Ting.


Some ne sadi: “is it confirmed that Franco has committed suicide?” (I started) “It was in all the papers this morning” It wasnt, of course: is it his incident from a dream?


6 o’c Robert Cecil. Excellent talk: he agreed to get Plan 241 to Col Britton personally.



* (Memo:) 132’s [Wilfred T. Smith] grotesque pronunciamento. Message: 50 Ting. Seems to me: important: take pains with the cooking.


How cable? [I Ching hexagram] 15 Khien “Inculcate humility” NLT [Night Letter] Saturnus. Liber 77 [Liber Oz] constitutes masters manifesto Reprint yourselves distribute widely giving USA address inviting applications collaborations |stop| Smiths pronunciamento unauthorized seems bumptious ridiculous Disclaim tactfully inculcate humility Crowley.


