Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 18 January 1942



[I Ching hexagram] 4.


Woke 12 1/2 241 [asthma symptoms] coming on. (1)[Heroin]. Inadequate: v.[ery] wakeful.


1 1/4 (41)[M&A(tropine)].


6 (2)[Heroin].


7 1/4 (3)[Heroin]. All quite inadequate


8 1/4 (4)[Heroin].


Slept heavily after bath till 11 1/4 (41)[M&A].


2 o’c (5)[Heroin].


Slept 2-4 6 1/2 (41)[M&A].


9 o’c Idees noires & 241 (6)[Heroin].


Slept 9 1/2—.


F.H. [Frieda Harris] didn’t ring up.


Wrote Cecil [Robert Cecil] re his [magical] Record.


Alice to tea. Ham [Gerald Hamilton] likes her, has never seen a more obvious jewess. We had a longish chat De omnii et nullo.


On the 21st I learnt that the idiot Health Fooders had failed to get the idiot lozenges recommended by the idiot Greta [Valentine] from the idiot hag at bristol.


