Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 20 January 1942



[I Ching hexagram] 27.


12 1/2 woke 241 [asthma symptoms] & diarrhoea


3 1/4 woke 241 bad (1)[Heroin].


7 1/4 woke 241 bad (2)[Heroin].


8 1/4 coughing-retching bad (41)[M&A(tropine)] pleasant nap;


Woke 11 1/4 (3)[Heroin].


12 3/4 Preparing to go out, felt suddenly unequal to it & 241 (4)[Heroin].


3 1/4 tired: shopping in slush . . . . (41)[M&A].


6 1/4 241 (5)[Heroin].


8 o’c XOP (41)[M&A]


12 midnight woke with 241 (6)[Heroin].


JG Bergel was killed ferrying last October.


Lunch with F.H. [Frieda Harris] at Grosvenor Hotel v.[ery] good (“Nourishing”=  [I Ching hexagram] 27). She dines with the Great Panjandrum himself with the little round button on top—Mr [Lew] Jackson, Augustus Celluloidus—at Claridges, where he has a suite.


£49.10.1 from Saturnus [Karl Germer] 27!


9 PM Very tired and semi delirious after a bad supper—boring beef sandwich and skim milk.


V.[ery] tired: reading. I close my eyes, find myself doing a “cross-word”. I open my eyes to check up—no problem there! This is one of many forms.


