Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 21 January 1942
[I Ching hexagram] 10.
Couldn’t sleep for long:
Woke at 3 bad. Fought it off:
Woke 6 3/4 (1)[Heroin]. Inadequate: feeling of constriction round waist: retching: heart jumping: all very sudden and a little alarming.
This at 8 o’c (2)[Heroin]. relief instantaneous.
9 3/4 Same attack coming on again (41)[M&A(tropine)]
11 1/2 (3)[Heroin].
2 3/4 prepare for F.H. [Frieda Harris] (4)[Heroin].
4 Overdid it (5)[Heroin].
7 1/2 F.H. gone; try (6)[Heroin] as final.
Sudden supplies: 11b Latakia
[tobacco], 25 1/4
Ridell summons set for 29th “ [I Ching hexagram] 10 Li.
Lunch at Oddy’s: next to me one paget: said I looked like Winston [Churchill]. Soon begin to believe it!
4 o’c F.H. report on Lew Jackson with whom she dined last night.
Message: next step and general line of attack. [I Ching hexagram] 40 Kieh. “Loosing” Thwan “lose no time”. Appear shrewd & avaricious”. “Carry on bluff; don’t be put off by losses”. “Don’t press!”. “Adjust plan to circumstances”. “Aim utmost height”.
Am a little worried (Silly!) because no $200 yet.