Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 22 January 1942
[I Ching hexagram] 55.
3 1/4 241 [asthma symptoms] (41)[M&A(tropine)]
4.7. (1)[Heroin].
Slept heavily till 9.
10 (2)[Heroin].
Uncomfortable: weather plus no $200 plus no definite plans makes everything seem stupid.
Can’t direct such energy as I have in store
11 1/4 (3)[Heroin].
1 1/2 ditto: a kind of dull malaise (4)[Heroin]. Seminap.
4 o’c (5)[Heroin]. not urgent, but Alice on the way, and it does seem as if (1)-(4) - 3/4 gr total had got me near the surface: try if getting this in before noon puts things right for the day. By “right” I mean “eager to work”.
5 o’c suddenly choked at tea and was furiously sick!
6 1/4 am very XOP? short of M&A ? will try 41[M&A].
[F.W.] Hylton sent £2.19.0 POS & a lot of Social Credit rot.
7 o’c The 6 1/4 41[M&A] seems to have worked. All symptoms cleared up. Perfectly OK till I went to sleep.
No fuel in the house & the Manageress blind-blotto.