Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 23 January 1942
[I Ching hexagram] 59.
1 1/2 woke with 241 [asthma symptoms] & oppression over heart, fought it off, & slept: but now the same: so (1)[Heroin].
6 1/4 (2)[Heroin]. 241 was baddish.
7 3/4 (3)[Heroin]. This is on “Capital” experiment.
11 1/4 Feeling rotten: inside’s wrong: diarrhoes with some pain. (4)[Heroin]. Immediate complete relief. Bad in a way, as suggesting ‘abstinence symptoms’; yet good, as the minimum dose acted so brilliantly.
Collected £49.10.1—Banks advice had not come.
The weather is unspeakably foul: thaw, yet freezing rain in high wind.
Good sleep 2 1/4-4: woke groggy (5)[Heroin].
6 o’c Frieda [Frieda Harris] here (41)[M&A(tropine)].
8 1/2 Robert Cecil (6)[Heroin]. All mixed up—desperate—knocked off my base altogether by need of showing a “front”: so acted utter damned silly. Leak, too!