Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 2 February 1942
[I Ching hexagram] 13.
2 AM Woke: some 241 [asthma symptoms].
2 1/2 (1)[Heroin]. Couldn’t sleep or read: 241 grumbling.
4 3/4 (2)[Heroin]. Improved mental condition, did not clear lungs notably.
7 1/4 no sleep, but coming up to normal (3)[Heroin].
10 3/4 Diarrhoea (& pangs!) (4)[Heroin].
1 o’c XO P 1/4 (5)[Heroin]. Tot 1 1/12
4 o’c (6)[Heroin] to be able to sit up to tea!!
JGB [James Gilbert Bayley] sent films and copies “Landed Gentry”.
[F.W.] Hylton sent £11.10.0.
Rang Cecil [Robert Cecil]: date 11 to-morrow. . .
Pam phoned: to lunch.
Alice & Bayley to tea: films viewed: 3 worth printing as rough ideas.
7 1/2 Ill—mostly worry (41)[M&A(tropine)]. Slept almost at once.
Note. Sunday 8th Brekker [breakfast] 3rd egg in four days. Asked about lunch: roast beef. Demurred: cook suggested scrambled eggs or an omelette!!!!!