Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 4 February 1942
[I Ching hexagram] 28.
1 o’c Woke from pleasant dreams with bad 241 [asthma symptoms] & trembling apparently from cold!
(1)[Heroin] 2 1/4 Quite inad[equate]. (41)[M&A(tropine)].
3-7 Sleep (2)[Heroin] some 241 whole chest heaving; mouth very Belladonerish!
Bath etc, not quite right yet (3)[Heroin] at 8 1/2.
Rather XOP ish: so 11 o’c (4)[Heroin].
Lunch etc.
Weather still bloody bloody:
2 1/2 (5)[Heroin] as 241 came on
4 1/4 (6)[Heroin]. Total 1 1/2 gr. Took so long in AM to come up.
F.H. [Frieda Harris] to Watford to revise proof of XIX Memo p 5 (10.53 AM FH rang up: 12 minutes on her difficulties going to, staying at, coming from Watford. Horrid doubt at last moment: have they a proof of the card down there? 14 minutes on how to collect copy from me. I, of course, offering any place & time she chose. Final: I to phone them & tell her. This took me 5 minutes—I was lucky getting through. They had printed off 50 cards!!! When I told her, she said: Oh yes! I knew they had done that!!! Total: 3;8 minutes on calls for which there was never any need at all. The above is a very favourable case, as she had no hysteria or tantrums, as usually happens.
I have enjoined the strictest HPK on F.H. re [Lew] Jackson. I said to have refused whole show: violent against me.)
Here at 5 Oh God! poor woman. Worrying about the wickedness of the world: blaming me for it—at least that’s how it felt.
Proofs of XIX: wrote Saturnus [Karl Germer] with one.
Alice [Alice Speller] gave me tiffin: showed [Hugh] Cudlipp on Fuller [J.F.C. Fuller]. (Message about writing to Hugh Cudlipp Sunday Pictorial about Fuller. [I Ching hexagram] 46 Shang.)
Frieda wore me down, raged against truth for hours, spat out endless tripe of Bloomsbury venom.
Fagged, I slept 9-10 1/2 & woke with 241 So (7)[Heroin]. Total 1 1/2.