Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 5 February 1942



[I Ching hexagram] 54.


Woke 12 3/4 Frozen 241 [asthma symptoms] coming on


1 1/4 (1)[Heroin] relief instant.


6 1/4 woke 241 bad (2)[Heroin] inadequate (3)[Heroin].


8 1/4 still 241 bad, and nose blocked. (4)[Heroin].


9 1/2 Ole man river has nothing on this attack of 241. Not severe, but annoying. [Heroin] seems inoperative (41)[M&A(tropine)].


Slept till 1. Woke with no 241.


1 1/4 (5)[Heroin] XOP & doze 4 14/ (6)[Heroin]. Tot: 1 1/6 gr.


Severe internal chill accounts for a good deal of this.


Finished writing to Saturnus [Karl Germer] & Max [Max Schneider], also [F.W.] Hylton, with [XIX] cards.


Alice to tea, very soothing.


(7)[Heroin] at 7 3/4. Total 1 1/3 gr.


Her visit did me a real heap of good.


So—wrote Estai [Jane Wolfe], Hylton, FitzG [Edward Noel Fitzgerald].


The (7) was to avoid any later problem.


Slept 8 1/2-10 and 10 1/4-11 3/4. Very wonderful dreams. Not much 241.


Seems F.H. [Frieda Harris] actually brought on a serious prolonged attack, destroying my physical inner resistance.


26 7/12 [Heroin] in 20 days.


