Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 6 February 1942



[I Ching hexagram] 56.


12 1/4 (1)[Heroin]. Quite rested, chest free, morbid worry gone.


Woke 3 1/4 some 241 [asthma symptoms].


4 o’c increasing (2)[Heroin].


9 1/4 Waiter woke me no 241 but food began it badly.


9 3/4 (3)[Heroin].


12 3/4 (4)[Heroin].


Big lunch at 3 o’c: 241 came on badly (5)[Heroin].


Alice & Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley] to tea: quite OK.


6 1/2 (6)[Heroin] final—still aiming at “capital” theory. But it is quite certain that (a) the weather (b) my mood are immense factors.


10 very important to keep going with F.H. [Frieda Harris] so (7)[Heroin]. Total: 1 1/2.


Ham [Gerald Hamilton] phoned: will bring Mrs Cunningham—a 56! (PS Spelt Cunninghame. Address: Symbol for her etc (call is Message!) [I Ching hexagram] 35 Zin. Most appropriate. Specially [I Ching hexagram] lines 2 & 6).


Slept unprepared with light and fire on.


