Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 9 February 1942



[I Ching hexagram] 56.


Woke 12 1/2 then 3 with 241 [asthma symptoms] (1)[Heroin].


4 1/4 Suffocation feeling of 241 suddenly (2, 3)[Heroin]. Complete and instant relief, but it was severe.


Sleep 5 1/2-8 1/4 some 241 (4)[Heroin].


Worked hard—tried—snooze 11-12 1/4 (5)[Heroin]. No: I forgot to enter (5)[Heroin] on collapse at 9.30: so above should be (6)[Heroin]. Total 1 1/12 gr.


Still collapsed: big lunch revived me a bit: shopping exhausted me—


3 1/4 (7)[Heroin].


Nap 6-7 woke with very slight 241 (8)[Heroin]. Total: 1 1/2


Too much, but weather and such heavy work insisted.


F.H. [Frieda Harris] (ashamed I am to say it) makes me tired and angry. So bad at 9 o’c that I had to use (9)[Heroin] Total 1 2/3 gr.


Bruce Blunt phoned 56 Delightful tea-party.


Alice stayed, so I asked him to lunch to-morrow. Brought me butter made by Dorcas.


o’c F.H. wants to bring Schrijver (Q of —?) 56 some time: She is letting this low Sheeny messher about: I can’t get her to act with decision. The pettiness of the intrigues to keep me out of everything is not only despicable but nauseating.


