Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 11 February 1942


[I Ching hexagram] 19.


1 1/2 Can’t sleep; wheezing 241 [asthma symptoms] comes on.


Diarrhoea 3 o’c. Tried again: n.[o] g.[ood]. Oppression begins (1)[Heroin].


5 1/4 Woke from sex dream 241


7 o’c ditto (2, 3)[Heroin].


9 3/4 routine (4)[Heroin]. XOP more diarrhoea.


11 1/2 (5, 6)[Heroin].


3 couldn’t sleep: diarrhoea bad (5) Tot: 1 1/4.


Slept 6-7 sex-and-naval war-dreams: (6)[Heroin] to finish day—I hope!


10 o’c No: usual bad go on getting into bed (7)[Heroin]. Total: 1 7/12.


3 AM Idea for poem—fable of the Oak and its Parasites. Sketched a few lines.


7 1/2 But is such a ‘topical’ theme worthy of verse? PS NO.


Accepted Trill’s estimate for PC.


Wrote Yorke with Tarot card & offer.


Ditto Pickfords with contract.


Ditto Trill with contract.


Rang Averys Ltd. Miss Swindlehurst (!?) re duplicating LG.


Ham [Gerald Hamilton]: conference with F.H. [Frieda Harris] re McLittlejohn & the Tarot.


Feb 14 3 AM GMT Message re 33. Its general fate? How use it for G.[reat] W.[ork]? Reaction on AC personally? (1) [I Ching hexagram] 46 Shang. (2) [I Ching hexagram] 50 Ting. (3) [I Ching hexagram] Wei Zi. (1) Increasing fame, (2) Successful revolution should be my aim, (3) End of me? or, great success.


