Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 12 February 1942
[I Ching hexagram] 14.
Woke 1 o’c from lively dreams, mainly war 241 [asthma symptoms].
3 o’c from more dreams incl the ‘really terrible’ (See Memo p 6*) 241 (1)[Heroin].
7 o’c after good sleep 241 (2, 3)[Heroin] not too fit.
9 (4)[Heroin].
12 1/4 after bitter cold journey to Richmond (5)[Heroin] on return, frozen and fagged (6)[Heroin].
Rested: nap 6-7 o’c (7)[Heroin]. Tot: 1 1/3 gr.
10 3/4 Bed (40).
“Great havings” from [Dr.] Crawshaw, including milk. H.[ome] O.[ffice] had asked questions: apparently routine call.
Found two new rimes for ‘acity’: inserted them this Winter. To-day, then, is the actual day of finishing the poem ‘Landed Gentry’.
8 Cecil [Robert Cecil] to visit 53 plus 26.
Too much memory & imagination: observation poor.
Wrote Louis U.W. [Louis Wilkinson].
Bruce Blunt (with Ballad).
Probable date of sending the $200—received on Feb 17.
* Memo: “Really terrible” dream. The Universe is “without form & void”. DUn: no texture. One is aware of a ‘filament of fluff’:vertical gossamer, but some paces a little down & a little less unbright.
There is a mental agony connected with impossibility: one feels frightful constriction & impotence. Somehow this breaks up: can’t say how.