Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 14 February 1942
[I Ching hexagram] 47.
Dreams heavy: woke 2 3/4 baddish 241 [asthma symptoms] (1)[Heroin] some leaked Quite . . . 241 worse.
3 1/2 (2)[Heroin]. Stopped 241, but woke me up.
Worked on publishing 33 till after 5.
Woke 9 1/4 (3)[Heroin]. Dreams fine & violent, 241 average on waking.
10 1/2 Just not quite well (4)[Heroin].
Slept after work & lunch.
Vivid dreams 2-3 1/2 (5)[Heroin]. Tot: 1 1/12 No 241 after nap.
10 1/2. Avery here with 250 L.G. ["Landed Gentry"] poem see foot of Feb 11.
Wrote with 33: Saturnus [Karl Germer], Morna Stewart, Gerta, Yorke [Gerald Yorke] [letter].
Alice here.
Ham. [Gerald Hamilton] brought Mrs C[unninghame] for tea. All very friendly. But wildly agitating:
6 o’c Ham’s continuous tempest. I wanted to talk to Mrs C. so (6)[Heroin]. Tot 1 1/4.
9 o’c (40)