Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 22 February 1942
[I Ching hexagram] 16.
Slept till 12 1/4 look.
4 o’c; woke to very confused state.
6 o’c, better sleep, woke clearer.
4 1/4 (40).
6 1/4 (1, 2)[Heroin].
Sleep mostly till 8 1/4.
8 1/2 [temperature] 95.4 F.
10 (1)[Heroin]??. 90% leaked.
11 o’c (3)[Heroin].
11 1/2 [temperature] 100.1.
1 3/4 [temperature] 99.6.
2 1/4 (4)[Heroin].
3 . . . . . Idiot Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley] lost precious parcel for ‘Landed Gentry’ with list of addresses.
Mrs Cuninghame to tea: great talk, I think, on J.F.C.F. [J.F.C. Fuller].
5 o’c [temperature] 100.8 F.
7 o’c (5, 6)[Heroin].
8 1/2 [temperature] 97°.
8’ M 6938. Heavy sweating.
10 1/2 (7)[Heroin]. Tot: 1 1/6.
Saturnus [Karl Germer]. NLT [night letter] recovering pleurisy |stop| collecting archives fraternity. Every body demands immediate promulgation principles New Aeon |stop| combined effort requires supplement Crowley.