Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 10 March 1942



[I Ching hexagram] 10.


11 Alice shopping.


Miss Hubard had stolen my ration book!!! Well, why this astonishment? What wouldn’t she steal?


4 1/2 Liversedge brings Col Thwaites, an Octavian-Fascist (?NI No 2 in USA 814-18?).


Health: generally better: over-excited by arrival of convoy.


Temp: 97.6. 2 (40); because small hours were bad. Tot: 1 1/6 gr.[Heroin].


The shortage was v.[ery] bad for mental detachment.


6 Frieda [Frieda Harris] brings [mercury]. Also tinted photos of 21 Atus. They seem to me pallid and feeble.


