Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 15 March 1942
[I Ching hexagram] 36.
These last two days a cough—tight phlegm—has annoyed me. Q[uer]y: no longer wearing jacket at night caused this. I think so, as diarrhoea has come back: thank Professor C.E.M. Joad, without pain.
Tot: 1 1/2 gr. [Heroin].
Temp[erature] 98.6F. It took a long while to get up to normal. I had overslept.
Wrote to Joan on extermination—print in SD and refute?? He can’t. (PS Mar 18 Willie’s “Strictly Personal” p 66 had exactly what I wrote to Joad! “The only reasonable plan was to kill 20,000,000 Germans”. Sent him a P.[ost] C.[ard] quoting this.
Wrote F.H. [Frieda Harris]. Sent IX° letter to be copied by Miss St George.