Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 21 March 1942
[I Ching hexagram] 28. Sol in Aries. Spring.
Memo p 8*.
The Oracle is AL.I.4. Signet ring exactly on the word ‘infinite’.
The Omen is [I Ching hexagram] 44 Kau Sol in Leo. The Word [Word of the Equinox] I take to be KUSIS [KVSIS heb]=156. Kus-Cunt in Persian. Kus=86 IS=70=Ayin Can be read The Goat of the Gods.
Worked half the night on “placing whites mats under” the National Anthem of the USA”. In PM went on and finished it.
Lent Ham [Gerald Hamilton] another £1: £4 in all. P.S. Repaid promptly as promised.
Sent Max [Max Schneider] note on Strategy.
Cecil [Robert Cecil] here 1-2 1/2. Showed ‘Tinties’(?): great effect. Did not bring cheque as promised yesterday.
Ham brought John x (Lady Tredegar No n.) asked him to suggest Temple to his lordship.
Overslept—frightful diarrhoea Chill-damp-fever-sweat drove me back from shopping.
Continued inability to sleep after lunch annoys me. Cough improved by Riddosan(?)-machine, surprisingly, works perfectly.
Temp[erature]: 98.2 98.4.
Tot: 1 5/6 [Heroin]. For USA Hymn and Word.
10.45 PM GMT Obtained Word from Book of Abramelin talismans.
Wilson Steer dead.
* 10-45 PM Saturday 21st (GMT) I took, after the proper ceremonies the Word [Word of the Equinox] from the Book of Ab Bramelin talismans. I misread the Enochian, and announced KURIS instead of KUSIS. But I take the Word as written in my Book.