Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 14 April 1942



[I Ching hexagram] 34. WATER/TAURUS.


Saturnus [Karl Germer] sent 2 lb Perique [tobacco].


Fair again still sharp wind.


Got [Heroin]. Tot: 40 x 2: tri Tot: 1 gr. 92 extra to design costume, attack TS Eliot, etc.


V Infra. “Wherewithal shall ye be clothes?”


Herr Heinrich Herbert Himmler-Morrison wants us all convicts. I must design a costume to beat him!


1 Warmth—comfort.


2 Elegance—Romance. Concentrated intensely on this: did it. Reaction: sudden 241 [asthma symptoms], really bad; obliged to take another tri—6. This relieved it at once: also, a call to the Ministry produced immense flatus.


Whole day, tolerance phenomena.


Tot: 1 1/6 [Heroin] plus 2 x (40) plus 2 x (41)[M&A(tropine)].


Parodies TSE’s [T.S. Elliot] parody of Goldsmith. “The Waster Land”.


