Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 5 April 1943



[I Ching hexagram] 54.


Wrote I.K. [Isidore Kerman] to lend £250 for Tarot on irresistible impulse.


Dream—see Memo at end.*


Bought ceremonial vodka to consecrate “The City of God” on publication.


Saw “Tales of Manhattan” v.[ery] good, though (like Aeschylus) [Gk: oumbalekn oueadios?] in parts: episodes 1 & 2 very old stuff, & 5 too much Nigger heaven. 3 a wow & 4 OK bar the Alma Mater & come-back stuff.


Anonymous ass offers to pay for collotype reproductions—a great 7 terrible secret, probably all over London already!



* Country house 10 m N of Chipping Campden. heavy air raid: saw RS Orchard alight—no!! A house just beyond mine. More raid—bombs all round—smoke—then all cleared: it was early AM exquisitely pale yet vivid blue sky—Sol & Luna both visible high up. Luna about 3/4 SE Sol due S. Extreme pleasure in all this.


