Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 9 April 1943



[I Ching hexagram] 14.


Alexis [Brook] phoned 10—untrustworthy as his brother.


11.49 [Air Raid] alert. R.[aiders] P.[assed].


3 1/2 Louis [Louis Wilkinson]: long admirable sederunt; he had not read City [The City of God], but saw at once its A1 quality.


Won’t do V-pamphlet; say she’s N.[o] G.[ood] F.H. [Frieda Harris] here 7 takes me to eat—no, made it 8 & got here 9.


Lovely talk till 10.30: confirmed the £100 (Suppose this is [I Ching hexagram] 14 Ta Yu).


Wrote Review copy appeal.


