Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 22 May 1943
[I Ching hexagram] 62.
3.45 Exceptionally heavy gunfire woke me.
R.[aiders] P.[assed] 3.55.
Long letter from Saturnus [Karl Germer] with reports etc. copy of Max [Max Schneider]—Saturnus.
2 [Frater] LOV [James Gilbert Bayley] F.H. [Frieda Harris] used to want me to “sit on my grandeur”. Now it’s sitting upon me!!
Revision of “small cards” [for The Book of Thoth]—driving me potty. Now I’ve got to put in not only the Geomantic coincidences (as I found out two days ago) but 4 Sol in signs. And A.[ce of] S.[words] is missing as well as A.[ce of] D.[isks]. Bugger & blast! Did the Cups.