Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 27 May 1943



[I Ching hexagram] 20.


£24.14.8 from Saturnus [Karl Germer]. Quite unexpected.


12 1/2 C.H.C. [Dr. C.H. Crawshaw] impressed by my Exp[erimen]t: but, alas! has got on to my Overlapping Dodge! [for getting more heroin out of CH Crawshaw, his doctor].


Careless as ever, wrote 40 for [Heroin]! Bigger ass I, not to notice it.


3 o’c Roberts rabbited.


Bank says we shall withdraw all notes over £5—to hamper Black Market operations!!!


M.B. [Maisie Burger] [for dictation] here (back from holiday). Gave her Small Cards & a brief note to Saturnus.


