Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 8 June 1943



[I Ching hexagram] 59.


Letter from Mrs. Macky [Anne Macky], poor old wallaby. Bottom heavy, & tied to her pouch! Answered it.


Salvage of Sascha's [Sascha Germer] first parcel packed by PO [Post Office] in tin: Honey, red caviar, & figs. This is very [I Ching hexagram] Hwan 59 esp[ecially] lines 1 7 4.


Started section 2 of Liber 132. [I Ching hexagram] Hwan 59 lines 2, 4 & 5.


Wrote Roy [Roy Leffingwell] a “magic” letter i.e. one to cause him to reply at once, or to have replied already.


