Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 15 June 1943
[I Ching hexagram] 23. Yet again! Felt stick No 6 was wrong.
This is the 11th Tuesday since I walked into Bright & Paul’s: never a glimpse of a thread!
Alert 12.20 Gunfire fairly heavy R.[aiders] P.[assed].
12.45 [Air Raid] Alert No 2 ditto.
ditto R.[aiders] P.[assed] 1.55.
Saturnus [Karl Germer] NLT [night letter] Transferred $150 Orchestrations delay my neglect obtainable large orchestra $40 with week easier get this done there. KG [Karl Germer] Meaning ????? £37.2.5.
Evan [Evan Morgan] wired So Looking forward to seeing you Let me know time & day. Reply: Newport 2.4o die Thursday unless we meet Col Pacton’s brother Aleister.