Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 24 October 1943



[I Ching hexagram] 43. (Was it I? 6th hex I got nervous).


2 Poitrine Rouge to coffee: promised, Frieda [Frieda Harris] socio, to repay me the £30 I am going to five to Green—with safeguards.


3 1/2 Wrote CODICIL—memo


I often wish I could divine

What’s in this funny head of mine,

This complicated tangled brain

That is ? is not? or is it? sane.

No one has ever understood

Why I was never any good,

Or why my diamond brilliance

Was dulled by causal circumstance.

To further the dear cause of Knowledge

I leave my cranium to the College

of Surgeons: thye—unless too lazy—

Will find why I was three parts crazy

And on the whole a perfect daisy,

But far from our Exemplar JC

Blast! that solution won’t get past

It’s “sicklied o’er with the pale cast

Of doubt”—Being dead, I may not know

What engine made the damn thing go.


4 F.H. [Frieda Harris]. She wrote Ch[iswick] P[ress] guaranteeing the cost of the 4 extra plates [for The Book of Thoth] £50.


