Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 24 December 1943



[I Ching hexagram] 29.


£12.6.11 from J.W.P. [Jack Parsons]. Bought a Cockburn ‘35 [Port Wine] as Act of Truth.


All shopping went easily.


Proofs came from Chiswick press.


Long [photographic] sitting with C.D.C. [Cambyses Daguerre Churchill] 2 poses. 2 Ju=Ju poses. 1 full length. 2 hands only.


PS 9 PM Police re Blackout [I Ching hexagram] 29 at last!


Miss M took £5.


Oppenh. [Albert M. Oppenheimer] sent bill for £1.10.


(Everything exact contrary to what one expects from 29 Khan!).


Began F[iat] Y.[od] [Anne Macky] XIV [Letter for Magick Without Tears] on Mag[ic] Memory.


