Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 3 January 1944



[I Ching hexagram] 4.


R.[aiders] P.[assed] 12.30 AM.


McM [Grady McMurtry] sent £2.10.0 Dec & Jan.


 Laundry 3 Flannel shirts, 2 p[ai]r stockngs, 4 silk handk[erchiefs], 1 coloured linen, 1 napkin.


F.H. [Frieda Harris] here 4 3/4 - 7 1/4. She knows quite a lot about Dhyana: had something like it at 10-11 in a field of gorse (!)


Went on with F.[iat] Y.[od] [Anne Macky] [letter] XVII about our normal hieroglyphic system of communication & finished it with the (C2H5)OH [alcohol] story [for Magick Without Tears].


Began F.Y. [letter] XIX “On clear thinking”—but got only to the Rabelaisian list of adjectives for Steiner & Co.


