Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 23 February 1944



[I Ching hexagram] 40.


R.[aiders] P.[assed] 1.21.10.


Cordelia [Cordelia Sutherland] 11.




[Heroin] trouble clearing—[I Ching hexagram] 40 Kieh. B-T’s [Dr. W. Brown Thomson] horrible nurse gave him my name wrong; she won’t be happy til one of her blunders kills somebody. All nurses (except Mattie Pickett & Olive Day) are like that!


Wrote at LST to du Moulin.


[Air Raid] Alert 10.4.31 Blast smashed us up.


10.36 R.P.


11.11.11 H.[igh] E.[xplosive] in Duke St about 200 yards WSW.


