Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 18 April 1944
[I Ching hexagram] 63.
Early dash to town: crowded, frozen.
Baker St. foul.
£81.13.5 from Saturnus [Karl Germer].
Back by 3.30 Palatial,swift.
Clifford Bax wrote re Allan Bennett.
Fra.[ter] L.O.V. [James Gilbert Bayley] wrote.
L.U.W. [Louis Wilkinson] apology-regret came.
Back in ‘bus next man who had 8 HEs [High Explosive] in his back garden: they killed 2 chickens. Noise woke his wife: he told her “Rats! you’ve been dreaming!” Then ARP [Air Raid Precautions] came & cleared them out for the rest of the night.