Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 6 May 1944



[I Ching hexagram] 20.


£85.5.6 from Saturnus [Karl Germer].


Sample Tarot Scribbling book [The Book of Thoth] came.


Gerald Ham [Gerald Hamilton] plus P.


Chit from JWP [Jack Parsons], Jane [Jane Wolfe] & Co.


Saturnus NLT [night letter]. Cabling 350 for 7 Tarot sbus one more follg(?) with regular May Transfer. love.


£21.3.8 to Ch[iswick] P[ress] for Pros [Prospectus] [for The Book of Thoth].


£5.0.0 Heppell [pharmacy] for [Heroin].


