Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 7 May 1944



[I Ching hexagram] 51.


2 Prosp[ectuse]s [for The Book of Thoth] to F.H. [Frieda Harris], 3 Dev Terr & RSO, 2 ditto to FitzG [Edward Noel FitzGerald] & letter.


1 ditto Louis [Louis Wilkinson], US ditto, 1 ditto BC, Hammond ditto.


Wrote Niess M re. “horror” [horoscope] & proposal to trap “agent provocateur”


8-9 1/2 Biggin. Long & rather dreary talk. Mediocrity, however intelligent, can’t make the grade of conversation.


Saw [moon conjunct sun] exact—perfectly clear sky.


Wrote Bray [Sangorski & Sutcliffe, Bookbinders] re tools for back.


Ankh-fn-Khonsu signet for author & OTO for publisher.


